Saturday, January 30, 2010

Home Buyers - Real Estate Post Bubble

When you look around the current housing market, it is hard to believe that just a few short years ago, houses were selling like gangbusters. It was a seller’s market, where homes were going for double, triple or even quadruple what they had been purchased for less than a decade before. Home buyers were eager to pay 100’s of thousands of dollars for homes that today, are just not worth what they paid for them. The current day reality of this is that many homeowners are finding themselves living with a mortgage that is for more than what their house is currently worth. In our cash strapped times, this often means that a foreclosure is just a paycheck or two away.

For homeowners that find themselves staring down the barrel of an oppressive balloon payment or rising interest rate on their ARM loan this is a cold hard fact that seems to be able to translate to just one word: foreclosure. If you are one of the millions of homeowners that are finding yourself in these shoes, then you may want to consider the merits of doing a short sale on your home. Nobody wants to go into foreclosure, but the honest odds of someone buying your home from your quickly, for what you are asking are getting slimmer and slimmer every day. A short sale may allow you to get out from under your house sooner, rather than later.

For the rare current day home buyers this market is a dream. There are tons of houses to choose from and most every seller is incredibly eager to sell their home and therefore exceedingly willing to make you a good deal. Your biggest competition may be those real estate investment firms that are working to help the homeowners that are struggling to get out from under their mortgages. These companies are coming to the rescue for homeowners around the country, offering to buy homes for cash when the homeowners most need it.

No matter which side of the housing market you are on, selling a home can be a confusing and often frustrating process. Knowing that you have options, whether you are among the home buyers or the home sellers is the most important things. Home buyers should realize that there are tons of housing choices out there and home sellers need to know that they don’t have to wait for someone to come to them, they can reach out to a company, such as to sell houses fast for cash.

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